November, 2011, me and my daughter visit Tianjin and BeijingI always wanted to see for my self the uniqueness great wall of china.
Our flight from Sandakan to Kuala Lumpur. We had to spend the night in Kuala Lumpur and the next day our flight to Tianjin. We arrive Tianjin at about 5 pm local time. 
Tianjin is the third largest city of the People's Republic of China in terms of urban population. In Tianjin i stayed with my friends who live there. When we arrived he had not yet returned from work, so we had to wait outside the house. The weather outside is very cold, it is winter with 9 C at the moment.

I decided to keep our bags at the security hut near the home of his flat. We walked to Tianjin City and look around urban areas. There is a night market that sells a wide range of goods and food. We can see quite a number of Malaysians who came here on holiday too. After having our dinner we went back to my friend's house. Yes!!!!...... what a relief ... he had gone home. We talked many things and knowing that he can speak very good mandarin, while my daughter was asleep from exhaustion.
Day 2
Ancient Culture street
After having our breakfast, me and my daughter do some tour around the city and visit some of the nice spot in Tianjin like Ancient Cultural Street, well known by locals and overseas tourists for its two attractions, Yuan Huang Ge and Tian Hou Temple, which are to historic cultural relics.  Teh lanes and houses in the street are almost preserved in a good condition with Tianjin local feathers. Beside that we visit Jingyuan Garden, was the residence for the last emperor Puyi in 1920s and 30s, which is situated in No. 70 Anshan Road, Heping District. He lived here with the empress Wan Rong.
The last activity for today is going to Local market :-)

Day 3
We wake up early as i dont want to be arriving late in Beijing so this morning around 8.00 am, we depart by taxi to the Express Train Station to Beijing . Ohh ..... the station was so crowded with people ! ! ! ! ! it is to difficult to walk, the situation is very puzzling stations , too many destination.  As usual, I had to ask the people around me where we can buy the train tickets to Beijing , it is difficult to find the ticket counter , finally i bought our tickets.....! 
With this environment, many people flocked to the bag and lots of items they carry,  you need to come early so you still have time to look for the counter and the departing gate and not miss your train.  
Hai River in Tianjin

City of Tianjin
What a luck, while we were searching for the departing gate, we met a nice lady, she was going to Beijing too and often going to Tianjin. Unfortunately she did not speak english  so I could not have communication with her so my daughter made the talk, both of them speak Chinese. She ask us to follower her and remain us to be careful all the time with our belonging from pick pocket, this make our trip easier with her company :-). 
Using the Express train ride takes about 30 minutes. When we arrived in Beijing, I took a taxi to the house of my friends who hails from Kota Kinabalu. She has lived here for more than 3 years, most of his family has moved to Beijing and have their business here. However, she did not have any business, she's just work with the private sector. While we arrive at her place,  there is some friends that stay with her too.  One is from Belgium and the other person is from Switzerland.  We stay in Beijing for 7 nights.  
Beijing is One of the most populous cities in the world, Beijing is a massive and historical metropolis, as packed with grand history as it is with skyscrapers and office buildings.  
Day 4
 It was very cold outside and warm inside.  Last night we had a very good sleep.  This morning after making breakfast, we walk to the train station. Beijing is a very traveler friendly city, and an ease to navigate. With an extensive metro system and a plethora of taxis, any place in Beijing is a quick and cheap trip away.
Hai River in Tianjin
Tianjin Radio & TV Tower

in the city of Tianjin
Walking is by far the best way to understand and explore the city of Beijing, but depending on the distances, it is not always the best option. Although taxis are plentiful and quite cheap, Beijing traffic (which gets more and more congested by the day) sometimes makes it quicker to just walk. Plus, when traveling by foot, you’re able to discover a lot of off the beaten track locales and are able to see much more of the city. All road signs are clearly marked in both Chinese and English, so you shouldn’t have much difficulty determining where you are, as long as you have a map. Some of the best restaurants that we ate at in Beijing were the hole in the wall shops that we passed whilst walking from one place to another.
Through my experience traveling in Beijing, I’d definitely recommend walking if possible, using the metro/subway if traveling longer distances, and taking a taxi as a last resort. Always carry a city map and a subway map with you, and you’ll likely not find yourself lost.
The park is massive , with 716 acres and has a beautiful lake known as Kumming Lake located on the South side. We took a boat ride across the lake .It gives a good vantage point to see the willow draped banks and the amazing opulent palaces on
 the hill tops. Located in the lake at the Summer Palace is a strange boat is made of marble and not Palace (Yihe Yuan) -surprising it can't float .

Simply put ,it represented we were told the story by our guide about the lady for whom the garden was built . She was the stepmother of the Emperor ,was strong willed and known to many as the Dragon lady. This garden was rebuilt for her around 1860. Its truly lovely with many ancient trees lining passageways and wonderful gardens.

One of the most beautiful sights at the Summer Palace is the Long
Corridor. The half mile long corridor is painted with different scenes taken from Chinese history and culture. Originally it was painted especially for the Empress when she had grown to old to travel to other parts of China. The thinking was China would be brought to her through this art. We were told there are 10,000 images in all. I was somewhat skeptical about the statistics that came our by various guides...but none of the less it was an amazing sight! power.Station And of course there are beautiful gardens. For me its always about the gardens. Next to traveling, gardening is my passion. I loved the ancient gardens at the famous Summer Palace and I especially loved the masses of lotus floating in the lakes. This was an incredibly rare sight for me to see.

- Train station in Beijin

- Person that responsible to make sure all passenger will be on board  

- Passenger getting ready for boarding

Day 5
Today we are going to visit The Great Hall on the way we stop at a Jade factory. Actually i don't really fun of jade but i will buy when i like the carving.
- White Jade shape like cabbage. The Chinese believe that when you kept in homes it will bring prosperity. It's root towards inside of home and leave toward the gate of home.
Inside the factory, we watched a man carving into the hard jade. He was pretty serious in his job and practically ignored our camera flashes.  Then we entered a room where a the worker told us the stages of making a Happiness Ball. Yes a happiness ball. Wonder if there's a sadness ball. This one i really love because it is UNIQUE!!..., AMAZING!!!..  i tell you....... Let me tell you why i say this. 
This is how its look when its complete
To make this Happiness Ball One of the most famous jade designs in China. An engraver have to take 1 pc a rectangular jade stone like in the picture, then they have to turn it in round shape just like small ball.  They will start craving the ball with mix element that they believe can giving fung shui.  Finish the out layer, then they go to the next layer (2nd) same design with the out layer then the 3rd layer.  The amazing thing is all layer inside all can move round when you shake it.  Ohhh...... i tell you its really amazing......    I really want to buy his ball, so i decide to buy it in the city as we know that when you buy in the factory with tourist around, it will be expensive.  But i was wrong because i cannot find this in the city and i really regrade because did not buy it in the factory.  Someday i will have this Happiness Ball.


Beijing Great Wall - Despite the hundreds of buses that visit daily, the Great Wall at Mutianyu is not as crowded as the nearby Badaling or Juyongguan section of the wall. To arrive at Mutianyu Great Wall its take about 2.30 hrs drive. Since its not to crowded, i choose to visit Mutianyu Great Wall.   Located in Huairou County about 45 miles from Beijing, Mutianyu Great Wall enjoys a long history and is part of the glorious culture of China. 

The Great Wall at Mutianyu was built and restored in the early Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644), on the
remnants of a Wall originally built in the Northern Qi Dynasty (550-577). Reconstruction took place under the supervision of Xu Da, one of the founding generals of the Ming Dynasty, who was responsible for building a Wall from Shanhaiguan in the east to as far as Mutianyu. The Ming pass at Mutianyu was officially proclaimed in 1404, where is would serve as an important symbol of protection from marauding nomads to the north.
Reconstruction began in 1568 on 1000km of the Wall including Mutianyu. Responsibility was given to Qi Jiguang, a general who had built his credentials fighting Japanese pirates, and who took his
responsibilities as a builder very seriously. Construction continued for many years, as the fortifications were built up with solid granite blocks, and included the construction of some of the larger defensive towers.

The most recent renovation of the Wall at Mutianyu took place from 1982-1986, at the direction of the Beijing government. Rather than a defensive fortification, the Mutianyu Great Wall Park has been designated a national tourist attraction, where it attracts thousands of visitors each year.
Mutianyu is a bit more rugged and slightly less crowded than the more famous Badaling. There are abundant natural springs which feed a great variety of plants and trees. Over 96% of Mutianyu is covered by trees and orchards, keeping the air fragrant with chestnut blossoms in the spring and fresh all year long.

There is cable car going up to a higher level and you can walk up too it you like.  But i prefer to go with the cable car but i petty my daughter because she is afraid of heights so on our ride to the top by the cable car she was crying :-) 
What a wonderful view on the top of the great wall, we walk through the stapes and enjoy the amazing great wall of China.

We spent about 2 hours enjoying the walk and the view.  The weather was very cold lucky there still no snow falling other wise i dont think we can stand walking here as this place is quite high.  I wonder how those soldiers before during their duty on guard at the Great Wall.

On the way down we try using the slade way down from the top of the great wall to the station below.  It was fun

 Down you go!!!!!............

 Day 6

After breakfast we are ready to continue our journey and today we are going to Temple of Heaven is located in southern Beijing.  As usual we took train from one stop to another till we reach our distination.

Temple of Heaven it was first constructed in 1420, the 18th year of the reign of Ming emperor Yongleand was extended and renovated during the reigns of Ming emperor Jiajing and Qing emperor QianlongIt was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties would worship the god of heaven and pray for good harvest. Covering an area of 273 hectaresit is the largest architectural complex in the world for rituals to pay homage to heaven.

In 1918The Temple of Heaven was turn into a park it attracted masses of visitors from home and abroad by the grand scales unique buildings and profound connotation of historic culture of offering sacrifices to Heaven. After New China was founded in 1949the central government invested large amounts of capital in the protection and maintenance of the historical and cultural sites inside the templeIn 1998, the Temple of Heaven was inscribed on the World Heritage List by the UNESCO. With profound cultural connotations and imposing architectural styles the Temple of Heaven is considered a reflection of the ancient civilization of the Orient
The spacious Temple of Heaven is well-afforested.  When going into the Templea feeling of solemnity respectfulness holiness and quietness will well up in the mind When looking at the beautiful sacrificial altars one will feel the his soul is purified and his thoughts sublimed 

The five architecture groups in the Temple are given respective features while the magnificent Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is the major symbolThe temple is divided by two enclosed walls into inner altar and outer altar. To better symbolize heaven and earth, the northern part of the temple is circular while the southern part is square, which reflect the ancient Chinese belief that Heaven is round and Earth is square. 

Located in the northern part of the temple is the Altar of Prayer for Good Harvests, where the emperors sacrificed animals and burned incense sticks to pray for good weather for the crops; while in the southern part is the Circular Mound Altar where emperors held ceremonies for worshipping the Heaven. Two principle clusters of worshipping buildings are connected by the Red Stairway Bridge. Additionally, in the temple are the Hall of Abstinence where emperors held fasts before the ceremony and the Divine Music Hall, an imperial organization in charge of performing during the ceremonies. The Temple

of Heaven is a cultural museum of offering sacrifices to Heavenwhich merges
architectureaestheticsacousticsastronomycalendarmusic and dancing into an integral wholeIt is an important window through which we can learn the history of China.

It's really fun walking through the hall, watching all the community consisting of retirees relax, exercise, dancing and playing their game. Everybody can join if you want too, i did some exercise  heheheh.....

On the way back we stop at Shopping spree at the Yashow market and Silk street. You will get crazy to see how many things that is nice and cheap.  My daughter this is her fun, she really enjoy looking and buying all what she see. Hooooo!!!

Summer Palace
This morning i fry noodle, i bought some prawn, meat slice and vegetable on my way back to the house yesterday.
It was nice to eat noodle that we cook ourselves :-) after breakfast as usual we when to the train station and today we are heading to Summer Palace.
The Summer Palace, northwest of Beijing, is said to be the best preserved imperial garden in the world, and the largest of its kind still in existence in China. It is only a short drive (15 km) from central Beijing but seems like another world.

The Summer Palace is one of the loveliest spots in Beijing. Not all the buildings are open to the public, but many are, and the others continue to enhance the park with their design and decoration, nestled into the landscape.

The arched bridges, pretty promenades, decorated corridors, and ‘breezeways’ (a hallway that allows the passage of a breeze between structures) lead visitors through ever-changing views and scenery.
The Chinese call it Yihe Yuan (Garden of Restful Peace), and the landscaped gardens, temples, and pavilions were designed to achieve harmony with nature, to soothe, and to please the eye. 
During the hot Beijing summers, the Imperial Family preferred the beautiful gardens and airy pavilions of the Summer Palace to the walled-in Forbidden City. Infamous Dowager Empress Cixi took up permanent residence here for a time, giving rise to some wonderful tales of extravagance and excess.
Longevity Hill rises beside the lake, dotted with superb halls and temples and wonderfully decorated gates. The energetic can climb the hill to the Buddhist Temple overlooking the entire area.

We enjoy the view, there is a beautiful lake normally you can go by boat ride to enjoy the scenery  but an fortunately we cannot do that as it was winter, all the water in the lake frozen and in few days time there will be a lot of people play ski on it.  Can u imagine during winter you can walk on the frozen water in the hugh lake.

We really enjoy the view and i beat it will be most beautiful during Autumn and Spring.

Day 9

Today a bit leisure,  the weather today was really cold and we arrive at the  view point about noon, took some picture of the Stadium Bird's Nest Beijing.

The design is so beautiful, not really much to see during the day but at night its look more beautiful with all the lights on.

Look at my daughter!!.... she took this picture without her winter jacket and pertain that she can stand the cold, heeeemmm...... only me know hahahahaha........ how long she can stand ....

The design combines modern technologies with Chinese traditional values. In tradition, Chinese conceptualized a square Earth and a round Heaven, and this formed the design's central theme. Moreover, the cube shape dominates ancient urban buildings. Its design is of traditional style to meet all its functional requirements.

The Blend of Architecture & Advanced Technology

Designed by Chinese and Australian, it is the first building in the world built upon "the soap bubble" theory, and sports a polyhedral steel-framed structure.
The ETFE (the ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer) membrane insulates it. This advanced membrane structure is formed by 3,065 bubble-like pneumatic cushions of all sizes. It becomes the first large-scale public project coated with the membrane, and it also has set up a new world record for its massive deployment.
It looks like a huge blue box, from which it takes its nickname: the Water Cube. It is blue in order to reflect sunlight. It shines in the sunlight like a pearl in water. From the inside, you may discover that the pneumatic cushions of all sizes are just like sea bubbles.
Various high technology and green technology are present in its construction. Popular Science magazine chose it the Best of What’s New of 2006.

Then we proceed by train to Purple Bamboo Park located in Haidian Districk of northwestern Beijing. We visit the Panda Zoo

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Purple Bamboo Park is just behide of Panda Zoo, this park is is one of the seven largest parks in Beijing.

The park consist of three connecting lakes covering over a total area of 48 hectares. The lakes' eastern shores consist of several small hills, and they were formed with the earth dredged from the lakes, to balance the natural hills on the western shores of the lakes. There are five bridges connecting the lakes, islands and hills into a single integrated area. To the north of the lakes the Changhe River flows through.  Since now is winter you only can see frozen lake, as you can see only left few space and the wild duck take this chance to swim :-)

The park is so beautiful and it is also a place for people to exercise

Wild cat, look so beautiful


Hutong this is a preserved area of the city where people live just as they have for hundreds of year . The low rows of houses line narrow passageways.
Hutongs are a type of narrow streets or Alleys, most commonly associated with Beijing, China. In Beijing, hutongs are alleys formed by lines of Siheyuan, traditional courtyard residences. Many neighbour hoods were formed by joining one siheyuan to another to form a hutong, and then joining one hutong to another. The word hutong is also used to refer to such neighbour hoods.
Since the mid-20th century, the number of Beijing hutongs has dropped dramatically as they are demolished to make way for new roads and buildings. More recently, some hutongs have been designated as protected areas in an attempt to preserve this aspect of Chinese cultural history.
Its nice to visit Beijing during cold weather but then it's become very hard to walk in the freezing weather.  Just like us, my daughter cannot stand the cold and i cannot breath, so we have to close our nose with our scarf, then you feel better.

This is a public toilet, so lady's do you think you can pee at this toilet that without any door? Ohhh.... i was shack  when i enter this toilet, i told my daughter about this toilet and she was shack too hahahhahahah so both of us pass this toilet, we only use toilet in the restaurant where we have our lunch in Hutong area.

Talking about food, i dont have problem with it as Beijing still have plenty of Muslim and Halal food.  Easy for us to find, delicious, not very expensive and not very cheap too.  But be careful when you order  one dish, it came with a big size.  We don't know about this so we order 3 dish as usual we use to do at our home town, when it came..... looks like 4 persons can eat.

After lunch we start walking again along the Alley in Hutong, all this

house is still occupied,The hutongs are residential neighborhoods which still form the heart of Old Beijing.

In the Yuan Dynasty, Mongolians attached great importance to water, so almost every community in the city was designed around a well, which provided the daily water for the locals. Until now, one can still find dry wells in Hutongs.
In the past, Beijing was composed of hundreds of courtyards around the Forbidden City, and these lanes stretched out in all four directions, connecting the different kinds of courtyards in the city. Although originally formed in the Yuan Dynasty, the building of the these developed fast during the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the Yuan Dynasty, there were about 29 Hutongs, while in the Ming Dynasty (1368 –1644), this number increased to 1,070. In the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911), it grew to 2,076. It is said that by 1949 there were as many as 3,250. But with the passage of time, and the requirement for city construction, the number of them has fallen dramatically. In 2003, only 1,500 were left, and now no more than 1,000 remain. Thus, protecting them is an urgent problem for modern people.
The lanes have their own layout and structure, and when viewed from the air the combination of the lanes and courtyards resemble a chessboard with delicate gardens, fine rockeries and ancient ruins this makes them a wonder in the world. Because of the cross interlacement of the lanes every houses connected to the other, making it easy for local people to keep in touch with their neighbors. Therefore, once one enters any of the lanes, one can feel the deep and warm relationships among people, which is rarely found in this modern world.


This is what she use to do .... always eat specially with chocolate or Shopping that is her interest

Day 10
Lying at the city center and called Gu Gong in Chinese, it was the imperial palace for twenty-four emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was first built throughout 14 years during the reign of Emperor Chengzu  in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Ancient Chinese Astronomers believed that the Purple Star (Polaris) was in the center of heaven and the Heavenly Emperor lived in the Purple Palace. The Palace for the emperor on earth was so called the Purple City. It was forbidden to enter without special permission of the empeor. Hence its name 'The Purple Forbidden City', usually 'The Forbidden City'.

Now known as the Palace Museum, it is to the north of Tienanmen Square.  Rectangular in shape, it is the world's largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a 52-meter-wide moat and a 10-meter-high wall are more than 8,700 rooms. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of Divine Might (Shenwumen), which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 meters, while the distance between the east and west gates is 750 meters. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside.

Construction of the palace complex began in 1407, the 5th year of the Yongle reign of the third emperor (Emperor Chengzu, Zhu Di) of the Ming dynasty. It was completed fourteen years later in 1420, and then the capital city was moved from Nanjing to Beijing the next year. It was said that a million workers including one hundred thousand artisans were driven into the  long-term hard labor. Stone needed was quarried from Fangshan District. It was said a well was dug every fifty meters along the road in order to pour water onto the road in winter to slide huge stones on ice into the city. Huge amounts of timber and other materials were freighted from faraway provinces.

Ancient Chinese people displayed their very considerable skills in building it. Take the grand red city wall for example. It has an 8.6 meters wide base reducing to 6.66 meters wide at the top. The angular shape of the wall totally frustrates attempts to climb it. The bricks were made from white lime and glutinous rice while the cement is made from glutinous rice and egg whites. These incredible materials make the wall extraordinarily strong.


 Meeting my new friends from CS, from the left is a sweet girl from Korea, 2nd from Hong Kong and my friend from Beijing.  She invited us for hot pot at her house.  Enjoy it .......

Having gathering with all Couch surfing member in Beijing. In the middle is my CS friend.  We stay with her in her house in Beijing, co-indecent she is from Kota Kinabalu Sabah.  Same state where i come from, she has been staying in Beijing for quite long time already.


Day 11
Today around 11.00 am we start to going back to Tianjin by fast train  for our flight home tomorrow Day 12.


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