I arrive Berlin Tegal Airport around 10.30 am from Kuala Lumpur.  After clearing from the Immigration, i strait away collect my beg.  As usual when we collect our beg we will take some trolley, that is what im doing but i was very surprise because the trolley need to put money then you can use, since i just arrive i dont have small change for the trolley lucky my beg have wheel.
From Tegal Airport i have to take bus to Berlin train station.  The ride take about 30 min to arrive Berlin Train Station.

 Berlin Train Station is the biggest train station in Berlin so it is very busy station.  I arrive early at the train station but i like it at least journey is restful.  My train arrive 20 min early so we have a lot of time to find our cabin and seat. 
My cabin is 2nd class with 4 seat inside, at first only one person inside include me 2, he is from Germany going to visit his girlfriend in Warsaw.
This is the train going to Warsaw.  I arrive around 7.30 pm and Slawik is waiting me at the train station, i almost miss him hahahahahah..... i thought i will be meeting him in the main station, lucky i was watching out side and i saw him standing just in front of the cabin door.  Lucky i gave him all the detail and he just purposely stand there so i can see him. I was shocked when i saw him there, strait away i take my beg and immediately get out from the train as the train is almost moving.
 This is my good friend Slawik, we stop at the supermarket to buy or need.  He is buying Cucumber pickle that is very popular in Poland.
 And im busying looking this this cherry's ooohhhh...... they look so delicious that  goes with the strawberry's too.

<<<   Fresh coconut also can buy here.
 Waouuu...... look at the bread, for western this is normal but not for asian people like me heheheheh...... we dont have this kind of bread.
 Many kind of bread you can get here

We bought some home.
 This is my room for few days.  I felt sorry because i have to sleep at their room and he has to sleep at the living room.  The house have 1 bed room only, 1 living room, kitchen and toilet.  The place is nice, cozy.

Their kitchen

This is the apartment look like and we are at 4th floor.

2nd day, going to down town with Slawik, go round and visit the old town.
 Slawik have to put in some money for the parking :-)

City bus

It is sunny day, but i am afraid of sun burn.  I wanted to use umbrella but my friend told me that  it would seem odd heheehehe  cos everybody want to enjoy the sun.


 Many beautiful Church in Poland

Ohhhhhoooo..... Ice cream yummyyyy!!!

Little Mermaid

Poland Memorial Park

Our lunch, more Polish bread style

Again enjoying ice cream

Wild peacocks at the King Garden

House where the king and his family will spent summer in this big park

Visit Slawik friend before going to pickup Yustina Slawek .  Nice family, they prepare   dinner too for us.  Very good dinner

Old town you can see some small stall selling many thing's that is cheap.  just like at my place we call it Rombangan

Some of the old building in old town

This is beautiful Yustina, Slawik wife.

Slawik waiting for our food to come

This is cold food more polish style

 Yustina prepare dinner for us

Me...... i want to enjoy eating my cherry..... yeah!!!! so delicious.....

Big Strawberry but it's a bit sour

Salad that Yustina prepare

Asparagus with chess




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