Day 1 - 31 Jan 2013
Me and my daughter depart from Sandakan to Kuala Lumpur around 9.00 pm and arrive at LCCT airport almost mid night.  We try to stay at Tune hotel but it was full so we end up at the airport the whole night.  There are plenty of people also waiting for the early flight like we do and everybody is sleeping on the floor.  This is our first time sleep in the airport.  If we go to the city it's too late already and the next morning we have to come back to the airport early too as our flight is about 8.50 am next day, so not worth to stay in the hotel in KL.

Incheon, Seoul
  Day 2 - 01 Feb 2013
It's 4.30 am, some of the passenger awake and some still sleeping and i ask my daughter to wake up and go to the toilet for fresh up.  oh!!..... i'm very tired and sleepy.  All night long awake, petty my daughter.... i look for a space for her so she can sleep.  Lucky  at the airport there is a shower room for passenger who need to take shower or fresh up, so we when and take shower.

waiting for our luggage
Around 5.30 am the airport was crowded with people and when the counter open we start drop our bags, the counter is not many people check in so its really nice and relax,  Its time to boarding 8.30 am.

going by express train
We arrive at Inchon  Airport Seoul at 3.15 pm, after collect our bags we heading to the train express and stop at Hong Dae.  The guesthouse that we are going to stay is between the main street of Seoul, Incheon Airport and Gimpo Airport , From the airport to the guest house its only 20 minutes journey, It also takes just 22 min.                                                                                                           
Our room at Kozy Korea GH
 When we arrive at Hong Dae, our guesthouse staff was waiting for us, she is nice lady.  Wouuu..... it's cold and windy, while she's driving she explain to us about the area and if we need to go out for dinner, window shopping and how to go to the airport the next day.  Actually  its not very far from the guesthouse to the train station, it's only walking distant.  But then if you have many luggage i think its better go by taxi.
Getting ready to check out - Gimpo airport to Jeju Island

We arrive at the guesthouse, the place nice and the room that she gave me is quite big too.  We are the only person in this house, its a house with 3 rooms with 2 toilets, kitchen area, dinning and living room area. Oh  forget to mention the guesthouse is only using code for the door, there is no one standby at the guesthouse like our guesthouse, so if you need anything you can just call them, there is a telephone for the guest to use. After putting our bags, we go for a walk in the city just few minute walk,
really convenience, after taking our dinner we walk back to our guest hourse.  We sleep early as tomorrow we need to wake up very early and we need to walk to the train station around 4.45 am.

As i told earlier when you dont really know the way, you need to go early so you still have time if something wrong.  Ohh.... just imagine in this weather you have to walk at 4.45 am, it is really.....really cold and with our luggage again. Yes its not far but inconvenient with the freezing situation.  

We arrive at Gimpo Airport on time without any problem but it's quite far, going down and up so if
you dont really have time i think you will not make it.  lucky we are early.

Look at her....... she manage to buy something to eat it's a chocolate ball.  Nice taste i like it too hahhaahah.  Waiting for our boarding to Jeju Island

Jeju Province (officially the Jeju Special Autonomous Province) is one of the nine provinces of South Korea. The province is situated on and coterminous with the nation's largest island of Jeju (also Jejudo; see Naming below), formerly transliterated as Cheju, Cheju Do, etc., or known as Quelpart to Europeans. The island lies in the Korea Strait, southwest of South Jeolla Province, of which it was a part before it became a separate province in 1946. Its capital is Jeju City.

The island contains the natural World Heritage Site Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes. Jeju Island has a temperate climate and even in winter, the temperature rarely falls below freezing point.

We arrive at Jeju Island airport around 8.30 am and our driver are waiting for us already.  We strait to visit Yongduam Rock (Dragon Heat Rock).
Situated to the north of Jeju City, Yongduam was created by strong winds and waves over thousands of years. However, there are plenty of other stories of how it came to be. One legend has it that a dragon stealing precious jade from Mt. Halla was shot down by an arrow from the mountain deity. When he fell down on Yongduam, his body immediately sank into the ocean and his head rapidly froze looking at the sky. Another legend has it that a white horse, who dreamed of being a dragon and ascending to the sky, came to be caught by a soldier and froze into the rock.

From Yongduam, visitors can see Haeneo women divers working on catching seafood. Near the rock are various cafes, bars, and restaurants. The coastal road between Aewol-eup and Yongduam is a popular spot for couples. Cafes and seafood restaurants began to appear there five
years ago and now form a pleasant café village.

We always hear about this great women who can  dive without using any oxygen tank. You can see this in South Korea.  I think almost all over the world proud of this women.  It's petty now a days not many that continue this job, the new generation are not interested doing it and its a bit funny because only women become "Haenoe" women divers not even 1 man are doing this and they are very strong.  I try to carry the net basket but oooooohhh it's really heavy, just imagine how they can carry all the sea product

 Jejudo (also Jeju Island) is the birthplace of haenyeo. Haenyeo, which literally means ‘sea woman,’ is a term for woman divers who fish for a living by diving deep underwater without oxygen tanks. They catch things like seaweed, abalone, conch, sea cucumber and agar. At first glance, these woman divers look like ordinary farm village women. They alternate between farming the land and ‘farming’ the sea, diving for fish and other ocean catch.

These women divers are found in the coastal regions of the Korean  peninsula, with an especially high concentration in the Jejudo area.
When diving, the women divers used the tewak, a buoyant tube that she would hold to her chest while swimming. The net attached to the base of the tewak to hold fish is called mangsari. They also used bitchang, a long metal stick over 30 centimeters long used to scrape abalone off rocks. Thejeonggyehomi (sickle-shaped hoe) was used to extract seaweed, and the golgenggi (hoe) was used to catch octopus and sea urchin.

Sea diving is usually done from spring until fall in between working in the
fields according to the tides. The women divers go out to sea at low tide and return at high tide, normally diving 10-20 feet but sometimes going as deep as 70 feet underwater. The amount of time spent underwater is usually 30 seconds, but sometimes last longer than two minutes. They on average go to sea at least 15 days per month. These women divers possess almost superhuman strength which allows them to go to sea not only in the winter but even just before giving birth.

Girls in Jeju fishing villages learn to swim at seven or eight years old and
begin practicing diving at age ten. A woman became an independent haenyeo at fifteen or sixteen years old and was most active until her forties. Women worked as haenyeo until their sixties but sometimes worked even into their eighties. According to lung capacity, the women divers were divided into three categories (high, average, low); the one with the most outstanding lung capacity were called Daesanggun.

Abalone and others sea product are serve to the guest who want to eat fresh seafood and some they sent to the restaurant.

Octopus  still alive ready for eat... Any one interested?????

Behide us is where they collect before sending to the restaurant or the buyer coming to buy it.  If there is costumer want to eat fresh then they will prepare it for them .


Hi friends!!!..... did you see 2 small ball one with one person beside? That is  "Haenyeo", which literally means ‘sea woman' she is in the middle of the sea diving to collect all kinds of seafood things.

Haenyeo is just arrive from the dive with all her catch things like seaweed, abalone, conch, sea cucumber and agar.

As you can see the buyer / owner of a restaurant is waiting for her catch.

I was very proud, admire and imprecise with this women, i'm speechless............  It is winter, the water is so cold how can they still can stand, look at what she wear!!!! 

This is how Haenyeo, ‘sea woman'' look like and this is the only things that they use

ohhhhhh!!! the net basket for putting all their catch.... it's really heave, i can't even  lift up.... hahahahhaha....


dried squid using the wind's to dry not like here must use the sun. I have bought some it soft and the result is quite moist and delicious...

We stop at the central market in Jeju Island, lots of thing to see.

 Korean dry chili, use for korean dish and most like for making kimchi 

Few type of Seaweed, i never see this in my country, i love to see Korean seaweed.

Korea dry salt fish, here when people want to buy dry slft fish, the seller will help you to cut the fish meat so the bone and rest of the part will be thrown away

Some of the seafood sale in the market

More seafood product but mostly are not fresh all a ice.

This is one type of leaf that you eat like eating "Sirih" (betel).
When the dish is ready, you put them about 1 spoon to the left and fold it nicely and eat. :-

 End of the day, we are so tired since we make our move early this morning about 4.30 am.  With this weather you just want to go inside as soon as possible.  We arrive at our guesthouse "Spring flower", so we will be here for few days.  The owner is a korean woman and her husband is Western guy, they have 1 son.

 Our guesthouse in Jeju

The very next day, we hop on a submarine, where we can see the interesting marine life in the ocean. It starts off with a boat ride out through the harbour to the submarine docking area.
The cold winter in Korea is taking a toil in my body and even though my daughter is wearing  4 layers of clothing's everyday she still grumbling.  So if you are not strong enough to stay in the cold its better

not to come during winter.

Going inside the sub marine, this is my first time going with sub marine.

Inside the sub marine, you need to sit down next to the glass window where you can see all the coral, fish and many more thing under water.

It Lunch time - we stop at a seafood restaurant nearby.  We order this like steamboat, inside is all type of seafood.

and also have dry salt fiesh, Kimchi, Seaweed, small dry fish, vegetable sprouts and THIS!! small abalone, still alive, still moving..... i eat that alive......

Waoouu.... no wonder this place become New 7 Wonders of Nature.  It is so beautiful view here facing the sea.

Amazing view at Geopark


Sanbangsan mountain view from far distant. On the south side of Jeju Island sits a bell shaped mountain that could quite possibly be the most beautifully shaped mountain I’ve ever seen. it’s distinct shape and existence in the flat terrain of this part of the Island adds to its beauty and mystery.

Sanbangsan literally means “Mountain-Room
Mountain” and refers to its sacred temple cave, called Sanbanggul. It is one of the only temple caves in South Korea. Buddhist monks have been living on

Sanbangsan since the Goyreo Dynasty (918 to 1392). Sanbangsongul is a short and easy hike a little ways up Sanbangsan Mountian. There are steps leading the way and several look-out points with spectacular views of the Korea Straight and the surrounding countryside. The water is an amazing aquamarine and the coastline is quite dramatic in spots. Once you get to the temple, there are benches at the base to sit and reflect and rest. For 10,000 won, you can enter the cave and light a candle to place on the altar. There is also sacred water that drips from Sanbanggul's roof into a pool below. This water is said to have healing properties and there are cups next to the pool to visitors to drink it,

The shape of Sanbang Mountain is very peculiar as it sits in the middle of very flat land and abruptly rises up nearly 1300 feet (395 meters). Legend has it that a bow hunter was shooting at a white deer near the top of Hallasan when he missed and hit the spirit of Hallasan instead. The spirit was so angry that he ripped the top of Hallasan off and threw it at the hunter. The top of the mountain landed on the south western side of the Island, crushing the hunter to death, and became Sanbangsan. The crater in the top of Hallasan is said to be where Sanbangsan used to sit and it looks like it could fit perfectly in Baengnokdam Lake on top of Hallasan.

<  Small Buddha statue inside the temple

Sorry friends, i cant remember this place, in Jeju this is the first time we saw snow as the place is quite high.


As usual i will cook in the morning for our breakfast, so today i made porridge with tuna fish and vegetable that i bought yesterday at the market.  Today we are going to  Hyeopjae Beach, it is located on the west side of Hanrim-eup, and is part of Hanrim Park. The beautiful white color of the sand comes from the large amounts of crushed seashells that have been mixed in with the sand. The long seashore stretches for 9 km and has cobalt colored seawater and evergreen forests scattered around the vicinity, making the scenery very beautiful. Just off the beach is Biyangdo Island. The white sandy beach is about 20 meters long, and the water is 1.2 meters deep with no sudden drops. In the evergreen groves, there
are plenty of convenient facilities and campgrounds for visitors to use.
Hanrim Park nearby, provides interesting tour sites such as a subtropical arboretum, Hyeopjaegul Cave, and Ssangyonggul Cave. The seashore to the southwest of Hyeopjae Beach connects to another beach called Geumreung Beach, and both beaches combined are also called Hyeopjae Beach. From any beach on Jejudo Island, you can always see Mt. Hallasan. It is a great place for a relaxing family vacation.

Amazing view, we arrive here in the morning and If you follow the farm road 600 m to the southwest from Depo-dong, at the end of the pine tree forest is a cliff. At the base of this cliff is the Jisatgae Coast along with the imposing stone pillars. The Jusangjeolli are stone pillars piled up along the coast and is a designated cultural monument of Jejudo Island. The Jusangjeolli was formed when the lava from Mt.Hallasan erupted into the sea of Jungmun. They are rock pillars shaped like cubes or hexagons of various sizes and almost seem as if stonemasons had carved them out. The administration of the district named them 'Jisatgae Rocks' from their old name 'Jisatgae'. Its 20 m cliff makes it a popular spot for high tide, sea angling. The waves of the high tides crashing into the side of the cliff provide a breathtaking view of the ocean surrounding the pillars.

This place is very famous and nearby there is a open space viewing the sea view and many movie was shoot here just because of the land scarp.

There are many movie was shoot here one of very famous movie is "Secret Garden".

The Paradise Hotel Jeju House (Filming location of all in) , the first Mediterranean-style hotel in Korea, was built on the site of the summer residence of Rhee Syngman, first President of Korea. Overlooking the sea, it offers a beautiful view. All in was filmed at the annex building Honeymoon House, a Korean restaurant. As the name implies, the restaurant has a sweet interior design. In the mini-series, it was the meeting place for Song Hye-gyo and Park Sol-mi. Other filming locations in the hotel include the living room of the master suite, and the walking paths near Honeymoon House. After looking around the summer house of President Lee Seung-man and the seaside walk, we went to the Honeymoon House, where we ordered seongge miyeokguk, or sea urchin seaweed soup set menu. The soup is a local specialty and comes with bulgogi (25,000 won per person/tax not included).

If you ever seen this move title "Secret Garden", this is the chair where their first kiss. And that is the picture stick on the chair

Beautiful Orange tree, every way you can see orange, i almost took 1 hahahahah.....

Today after breakfast we are going  to Jeongbang Falls, i saw this one of the high light in Jeju Island.  I really want to see the water fall and the different from other water fall is, this falls you can walk till very near to the water.

This is only water fall in Asia that falls directly into the ocean. On the wall of the water fall, there is an inscription written “Seobulgwacha”, referring to Seobul passing by this place. Seobul was a servant of the Chinese Emperor Jin (BC 259~210) who was ordered by the Emperor to find the substance that would make him immortal. Seogwipo is also said to have gotten its name to mean Seobul headed back west.

Jeongbang Waterfall is situated by a high cliff by the sea, and an old evergreen stands there leaning back as if it would fall into the ocean. Go east for about 300 meters and you will see another waterfall called Sojeongbang Waterfall. It is a great place to relax during the summer. There is an observatory at the top of the cliff, from which you can command a fine view of the sea.

If you can see there are many tourist came here and lucky its not to crowded  with people.  I take this opportunity to take nice picture heheheheh. with the back ground of the water fall

Waouuuu...... i look great with the water drop just behide me hahahahah........ don't be jealous my friend....

Along the beach near Jeongbang Waterfall this nearby residents who do business here selling fresh seafood which is just caught from the sea.

Waiting for customer.......

Ahh.....some customer enjoying the fresh seafood like clams, octopus, abalone and

This is some of the shell for sale

Cheonjiyeon, meaning "God’s pond," derives its name from the legend that the seven fairies serving the King of Heaven came down to the pond on stairs of cloud and bathed in its clean waters. Apart from the wild Dampalsu trees, designated as natural monument,  the wooded area also contains a great ariety of rare plants such as brambles, Songyeopnan as well as Gusiljappam trees, Sanyuja trees (Chinese lemon trees), and camellias which are all specified as natural monument.

We take a walk along the subtropical path towards the Cheonjiyeon Falls for a kilometer and you will be able to hear the magnificent sound of waterfalls. The waterfall is 22m high, 12m wide and 20m in depth. The clear and deep water of Cheonjiyeon Falls  and is renowned as a habitat for Mutae eels. Also, the annual Seven Fairies Festival is held every May.


At the entrance you can find few shops that selling fresh orange juicy, I don't want to miss this opportunity to try.  Yummyyyyy!!!! what a fresh and sweet.

I bought one glass for my dear friend :-)
We arrive at Saeyeon bridge about late afternoon. Waouu..... this bridge offered beautiful views of surrounding islands dotting the blue sea and Mt Halla in the background of Seogwipo town. Mid-way, we spotted a grey heron feeding at the foot of the bridge while women divers were busy diving further afield perhaps for abalone, seaweed and sea cucumber. The bridge was divided into 2 levels with the upper deck linking directly to Saesom. A spiral staircase leads visitors to the lower deck. At the end of the bridge, there is a resting platform that allows visitors to rest and recharge.

You can choose to go down by stairs


Today is our last day, after our tour we are going to the airport.  Our flight is around 7.30 pm so we still have plenty of time the whole day.

museum just next to Teddy bear Museum.
 Inside the museum (Believe it or Not) that is our shadow, me and my daughter heheheeheh.

Teddy Bear Museum
We arrive at this museum around 10.00 am.  But before we enter the Teddy Bear Museum we stop by at Believe It Or Not Museum.  Interesting place too. the entrance fee for Adult is 7,000 won.

---- Gangnam Style by Teddy Bear 

The Teddy Bear Museum lives up to its name, boasting quite an impressive variety that have been loved for more than a hundred years the world over. Inside the two galleries you can view the teddy bears from various countries. You can also enjoy yourself at the museum shop, café, restaurant or the outdoor park where you can view the spectacular Jungmun Sea. The gallery is grouped into three sections: the History Hall, the Art Hall and the Project Exhibition Hall. In the History Hall, you can witness the 100-year history of teddy bears including famous scenes, popular teddy bears of different eras, and antique teddy bears. The Mona Lisa teddy bear and the teddy bears of the “The Last Supper” (Leonardo Da Vinci) will especially catch your eyes. In the Art Hall are the latest artworks of world’s famous designers, and you will also find animation characters beloved by children. A section not to miss is where you can find the smallest Teddy Bear in the world at the size of 4.5mm. In the project exhibit hall you can meet teddy bears grouped to suit the theme of each exhibition. You can dine or drink coffee at the museum cafe or bar while appreciating the beautiful landscape of Jejudo Island. The museum bar is a luxurious space only for adults, which is open in the summer. But there are other places besides the fancy cafe or bar. At the museum garden, you can meet the marvelous teddy bear sculptures and models. The garden decorated with various themes such as the Korean Black bear family and the magical pond is also a great site to behold.

Having fun taking picture with the Teddy Bear.

Ok, children here is some fruits!!!.....

My daughter join them

We visit some of this beautiful river, but sorry all my friend i dont forget the name.

Still the same river, the sand and stone are black just like the black lave from the volcano 


This is the famous round almost-island you'll see pictures of everywhere in Jeju. A 180 m high tuff volcano, quite literally named "Sunrise Peak" because climbing to the top to view the sunrise is a popular activity (or, hoping to see it, due to most mornings being foggy!) About a 25 minute walk to the top, covering over 600 steps. Very imposing from a distance, but less so on approach and the very top would be somewhat anti climatic to anyone but a rock-licking geologist. Still worth the visit 
 though. As a bonus, on the cliffs off to the left as you ascend, there is a stairwell down that leads to a place where you can see regular performances of the Jeju Women Divers group. One of Jeju's three UNESCO World Natural Heritage  rated attractions 2000 won, if the booth is actually active

Oedolgae sits not far from the shores of Sammaebong Seougwipo City. It is an amazing rock 10 meters in circumference and 20 meters in height and is also known as the Changgun Rock. It is surrounded by beautiful islands such as Bum Island, Sae Island and Seonnyu (fairy) Rock. Oedolgae was also a filming location in the 2003 TV drama series, 'Daejangguem' where Hansangoong (Mee Kyung Yang) faced her death under a false accusation while being carried on Daejanggeum's(Young Ae Lee) back. Fantastic rocks of Oedolgae and fields of reeds in the extensive ranch is a perfect place to go trekking. The sunset of Bum Island, which can be seen from Oedolgae, has long been an essential stop for tourists going to Jeju Island.

Jeju Folk Village (Filming location of Jewel in the Palace)
We arrive at Jeju Folk Village, the weather a bit ok today not very cold as yesterday.

There a plenty of Cherry Blossom tree but all are still dry, nothing you can see only branch, i can imagine how beautiful this place when it's spring. I was disappointed because i hope to see the Cherry Blossom flower, but then while we walk inside, i notice there is one tree that  have cherry blossom flower, at least i manage to see for my self the Cherry Blossom, oh thanks God!!!  it's beautiful, someday i will see them in Japan.

Jeju Folk Village located at the foot of Mt. Halla on Jeju Island, Seongeup Folk Village is a small town that holds a vast amount of culture.

Cultural properties in the folk village have been handed down from generation to generation and include treasures such as residential houses, Confucian shrines and schools, ancient government offices, stone statues, large millstones (pulled by horses or ox), fortress ruins, and stone monuments. Among the cultural gems of the folk village are intangible cultural assets such as folk plays, native foods, local folk craftsmanship, and local dialect. Even the trees are an important part of the area’s heritage. Several zelkova and nettle trees that are hundreds of years old stand at the center of the village, preserving the dignified atmosphere of a
The Seongeup Folk Village shows the unique culture of Jeju Island: the black lava rock walls, the straight but curvy alleys to block the wind, and the stone grandfather statues (Harubang), which have become  prime feature of the landscape. The local black-    
haired pigs and tongsi (pigsty / restroom) are
especially well-known characteristics of Jeju folk culture.

Here we still can see how the old generation doing all the house work like washing (no.3), ironing cloths (no.4), mashed rice using a wooden mortar (no.5)

This is how its look like the entrance for each tribe

We heading to the airport for our flight to Seoul before that we stop at under ground shopping center call Jungang Shopping center.


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