This is my continue journey from Ho Chi Minh to Phnom Penh.  I wake up early today because i need to catch the express bus.  I arrive at the bus station 15 min. early, the journey to Phnom Penh will take about 5 hours 45 min by express bus  depend on traffic, that is what i have been told.

I bought my ticket and get in to the bus, lucky my seat is just next to a tourist man, he is traveling with his 2 friends ( couple).  At least my journey is not boring by the way his name is Slawomir Gawel , we talk about many things and i found out the they are from Poland.  The journey took about 6 hours to arrive Phnom Penh, since i alone and they are 3 person, we decide to go together.  We look for hotel that is not that expensive, clean, safe and off cause with air-con please!!!!

This is my friend in Phnom Penh, I stay with them for  few days. They are nice couple, we when to have dinner together and they are teaching English here in Phnom Penh.
A  little bit far from Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh  is the capital and largest city of Cambodia. Located on the banks of the Tonle Sap and Mekong River, Phnom Penh has been the national capital since French colonization of Cambodia, and has grown to become the nation's center of economic and industrial activities, as well as the center of security, politics, cultural heritage, and diplomacy of Cambodia.

Situated on the banks of the Tonle Sap, Mekong and Bassac rivers, the Phnom Penh metropolitan area is home to about 2.2 million of Cambodia's population of over 14.8 million, up from about 1.9 million in 2008. The city is the wealthiest and most populous city in Cambodia and is the country's political hub.

Back to our story, after check in we decide to go for tour by using Tuk-Tuk.  Tuk-Tuk is a trailer attached to a motorcycle and it fit for four of us, just nice :-).  Beside Tuk-tuk, taxi, motorbikes also available, we
choose tuk-tuk because its more fun and cheap too.

The driver took us to visit few tourist area and  market where you can see the exotic street snacks vendors, i am looking forward to try the Scorpion and my friend (Slawomir) want to try the "Balot" (eggs that almost become chicken).  When we arrive at the street, Surprisingly!! numbers of street vendors selling most exotic snacks : INSECTS!!!!!

Now we start to search for my Scorpion, to bad!! all of the street vendors to us that Scorpion OUT OF STOCK!! can you imagine that???? waouuuuu!!!  and the 'Balot" is not sale in this area,
 so what now???

We saw many kind of insects that is ready to eat, I saw a big Tarantula Spider with deep fried with garlic, chili and caramel sauce, so i told my friend i want to try this since there is no scorpion.  I bought one and i ask him if he want to try as well,  but he said "you try first if its good then i will try."

Heeemmmm!!! it's taste sweet and feel some garlic.... i  chew and try to feel what it taste but what i only can feel is the sweetness from the sugar, i don't dare to swallow.... so i spit out. That goes with my friend when i said it's sweet, he try it too hahahahahah......  Then i try the deep fried water bugs, it's crunchy but i dont really dare to swallow.... just want to feel what is the taste.  OMG!!!!  i really can't eat all those.  But all this are favorite snack for Cambodian!!

Ok forget about the exotic food!!..... now we heading to The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum is a museum in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. The site is a former high school which was used as the notorious Security Prison 21 (S-21) by the Khmer Rouge regime from its rise to power in 1975 to its fall in 1979. Tuol Sleng means "Hill of the Poisonous Trees" or " Strychnine Hill". Tuol Sleng was only one of at least 150 execution centers in the country, and as many as 20,000 prisoners there were killed.

The moment you enter the school yard your hairs bristle and when you enter the building and visit all the class room from one floor to another by looking at all the picture's and all the thing that remain you feel very sad and  all  of us speechless, no words come out from our mouth, it's really.....really sad and petty to all the victims.

 Formerly the Chao Ponhea Yat High School, named after  royal ancestor of King Norodom Sihanouk, the five buildings of the complex were converted in August 1975, four months after the Khmer Rouge won the Combodian Civil War into a prison and interrogation center. The Khmer Rouge renamed the complex "Security Prison 21" (S-21) and construction began to adapt the prison to the inmates: the buildings were enclosed in electrified barbed wire, the classrooms converted into tiny prison and torture chambers, and all windows were covered with iron bars and barbed wire to prevent escapes.

From 1975 to 1979, an estimated 17,000 people were imprisoned at Tuol Sleng (some estimates suggest a number as high as 20,000, although the real number is unknown). At any one time, the prison held between 1,000–1,500 prisoners. They were repeatedly tortured and coerced into naming family members and close associates, who were in turn arrested, tortured and killed. In the early months of S-21's existence, most of the victims were from the previous Lon Nol regime and included soldiers, government officials, as well as academics, doctors, teachers, students, factory workers, monks, engineers, etc. Later, the party leadership's paranoia turned on its own ranks and purges throughout the country saw thousands of party activists and their families brought to Tuol Sleng and murdered. Those arrested included some of the highest ranking communist politicians such as Khoy Thoun, Vorn Vet and Hu Nim. Although the official reason for their arrest was "espionage", these men may have been viewed by Khmer Rouge leader POL POT as potential leaders of a coup against him. Prisoners' families were often brought en masse to be interrogated and later executed at the Choeung Ek extermination center.

Upon arrival at the prison, prisoners were photo-
graphed and required to give detailed autobiographies, beginning with their childhood and ending with their arrest. After that, they were forced to strip to their underwear, and their possessions were confiscated. The prisoners were then taken to their cells. Those taken to the smaller cells were shackled to the walls or the concrete floor. Those who were held in the large mass cells were collectively shackled to long pieces of iron bar. The shackles were fixed to alternating bars; the prisoners slept with their heads in opposite directions. They slept on the floor without mats, mosquito nets, or blankets. They were forbidden to talk to each other.

The day in the prison began at 4:30 a.m. when prisoners were ordered to strip for inspection. The guards checked to see if the shackles were loose or if the prisoners had hidden objects they could use to commit suicide. Over the years, several prisoners managed to kill themselves, so the guards were very careful in checking the shackles and cells. The prisoners received four small spoonfuls of rice porridge and watery soup of leaves twice a day. Drinking water without asking the guards for permission resulted in serious beatings. The inmates were hosed down every four days.

The prison had very strict regulations, and severe beatings were inflicted upon any prisoner who tried to disobey. Almost every action had to be approved by one of the prison's guards. They were sometimes forced to eat human faeces and drink human urine. The unhygienic living conditions in the prison caused skin diseases, lice, rashes, ringworm and other ailments. The prison's medical staff were untrained and offered treatment only to sustain prisoners’ lives after they had been injured during interrogation. When prisoners were taken from one place to another for interrogation, their faces were covered. Guards and prisoners were not allowed to converse. Moreover, within the prison, people who were in different groups were not allowed to have contact with one another.

 Rows of shackles


Victim was been tortured by the army

after the question and answer they will be tormented
after the question and answer they will be tormented then sent back to the cell
Class room that been change become few small cells room for the prisoners before and after/before tortures
The shackles were fixed to alternating bars; the prisoners slept with their heads in opposite directions. They slept on the floor without mats, mosquito nets, or blankets. They were forbidden to talk to each other.

Children was been taken from their mother and will be killed at the Killing field ( I will visit the place tomorrow)

Today i will bring you to see the Killing field " An eerie feeling of History".  This is another one place that is very sad to see and a vital piece of history in what the Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge did to the people of Cambodia. The audio commentary provided by one of the survivors tells a chilling story of events that unfolded here. From the prison camps to one of many killing fields.

In this place there is a Memorial where almost all the victim skull that they can collect were place, just like behind me. 

Thousand of human skull was keep in this place

Remember the picture above, how the mother was crying when they took her baby?  That baby will be bring to the killing field and will be murder just like the picture on the left.

They have two way of killing them.
No. 1 : The baby will be tossed into the air then prick with a knife which is located at the tip of the weapon or will be fire.

No. 2 :  The army will hold both leg then shock to the tree till die without any mercy.

This is some of the victim cloth's that still remain on the side.

All of this area where they found thousand of human skeleton all are the victim

This is all the people that will be killed, their eyes will be close, no body know where they will be going.  When they were shut the music of the camp will be very loud so no body know what is happen.

This is the person who is responsible for all the killing POL POT.
Saloth Sar was born on May 19, 1925—the eighth of nine children and the second of three sons to Pen Saloth and Sok Nem.  The family was living in the small fishing village of Prek Sbauv, Kampong Thom Province during the French colonialism of the area. Pen Saloth was a rice farmer who owned 12 hectares of land and several buffaloes and the family was considered moderately wealthy by the day's standards. Although Pen Saloth's family was of Sino-Khmer descent and Saloth Sar was named accordingly due to his fair complexion ("Sar" means white in Khmer), the family had already assimilated themselves with mainstream Khmer society by the time Sar was born.
He studied radio electronics at the EFR in Paris from 1949 to 1953, he also participated in an international labour brigade building roads in Zagreb in the Fedeeral Republic of Yugoslavia in 1950.
Pol Pot’s goal for the country was to have 70-80% of the farm mechanization completed within 5–10 years, to build a modern industrial base off of the
farm mechanization within 15–20 years, and to be a self-sufficient state.  He wanted to take the economy and make it the primary source of goods for the nation, sever foreign relationships, and radically reconstruct the society to maximize the production of agriculture. To avoid foreign domination of industries Pol Pot refused to purchase goods from other nations. But at the end it end up with all the violence.
He said that he knows that many people in the country hate him and think he’s responsible for the killings. He said that he knows many people died. When he said this he nearly broke down and cried. He said he must accept responsibility because the line was too far to the left, and because he didn’t keep proper track of what was going on. He said he was like the master in a house he didn’t know what the kids were up to, and that he trusted people too
much. For example, he allowed [one person] to take care of central committee business for him, [another person] to take care of intellectuals, and [a third person] to take care of political education.... These were the people to whom he felt very close, and he trusted them completely. Then in the end ... they made a mess of everything.... They would tell him things that were not true, that everything was fine, that this person or that was a traitor. In the end they were the real traitors. The major problem had been cadres formed by the Vietnamese.[ 
On the night of April 15, 1998, two days before the 23rd anniversary of the Khmer Rouge takeover in Phnom Penh, the Voice of America, to which Pol Pot was a devout listener, announced that the Khmer Rouge had agreed to turn him over to an international tribunal. According to his wife, he died in his bed later in the night while waiting to be moved to another location. Ta Mok claimed that his death was due to heart failure. Despite government requests to inspect the body, it was  cremated a few days later at Anlong Veng in the Khmer Rouge zone, raising suspicions that he committed suicide.

Today before going to Siem Riap, i will bring you to a local village place, i decided to take a ground tour that is to visit some local village along the Mekong Delta river.  To go there i have to use a "sampan" boat that is not using any engine only by pedaling. It's quite interesting,  first  we go with sampan then by car and if you choose to ride bicycle you may do that but since i am not going to stay over night i choose to go round the village by car to save more of my time.  On the way you can see some tourist who are cycling.

Having fun riding a bicycle round the village

To visit the factory that is made by the local, you need to cross the bamboo bridge 


My friend is having fun walking across the bamboo bridge hahahahahaha.... be careful look where you are going!!... other wise you will be end up in the river.....

More tourist crossing the bridge in a very careful way hahahahhah.......


 Enjoying the village and the bamboo view.


The last stop of the day was at the coconut candy factory and Rice paper.  A machine shredded the coconut.  The coconut was a gooey substance and a lady put it into a mold that makes long strips of the candy. Then the candy is cut by another lady.  The candy is covered with rice paper and then wrapped into individual pieces. The best part was eating the samples.  I couldn’t stop eating the coconut and banana candies.

Some ladys are busy wrapped the coconut candy. And if you want to buy, you can always do that, i bought few pack to bring home for souvenir

Making Rice Paper, look easy but it's not that easy because you have to be fast and hot.


After done, you have to put on a special place and put under the sun to dry

Some rice paper that is almost done. I take the opportunity to buy 2 pack and bring back to Sandakan.  With this rice paper you can make spring roll, very delicious 

On the way back we pass by the water village that was build along the river.

This cute boat that the local made is been use for daily activity, its really unique and i love to see them.

If you pass by a sampan with vegetable or fruits you can always buy them direct from the village people.

Beside that they also selling flowers, as  know that most of the Phnom Penh are Buddhism so the flower is for the Buddha. 

My visit ended late afternoon. 

Day 11
My few days stay in Phnom Penh i learn many thing and it was a wonderful memories.  

I decide to go to Siem Riap by boat then by bus.  This is the boat that i will be going with and also the bus.

I arrive Siem Riap around 4 pm and my friend was waiting for me.   I will be staying with him at his house that he rent, it is a flat.  I don't really feel comfortable staying here in Siem Riap because of the weather, it was hot and dry.  During the day i just want to soak myself in a cold water and during the night, even the fan cannot over the heat, i was sweat like hell. 

I weak up every early because i cannot sleep, i weak up few times the whole night.

And since i want to go to Angkor Watt to see the sunrise, i need to move early.  I took a tuk-tuk to Angkor Watt.   When i arrive there was so many people already and everybody is busy looking for a special place where they can see the sunrise. 

I got a nice place and just waiting for the sunrise to come.

This is the Angkor Watt Temple it is so huge till you cannot finish it all.

It's time now, look!!!!..... at the beautiful sunrise, so amazing and wonderful.


Every body is busy taking picture that goes with me.


There is some dance presentation at Angkor Watt  


After witness the sunrise, everybody move to  the temple and visit inside and see how wonderful and amazing Angkor Watt is.

Angkor Thom (Khmer ;literally: "Great City"), located in present day Cambodia, was the last and most enduring capital city of the Khmer empire. It was established in the late twelfth century by King Jayayarman VII. It covers an area of 9 km², within which are located several monuments from earlier eras as well as those established by Jayavarman and his successors. At the centre of the city is Jayavarman's state temple, the Bayon, with the other major sites clustered around the Victory Square immediately to the north.
Angkor Thom was established as the capital of Jayavarman VII's empire, and was the centre of his massive building programme. One inscription found in the city refers to Jayavarman as the groom and the city as his bride.
Angkor Thom seems not to be the first Khmer capital on the site, however. Yasodharapura, dating from three centuries earlier, was centred slightly further northwest, and Angkor Thom overlapped parts of it. The most notable earlier temples within the city are the former state temple of Baphuon, and Phimeanakas. which was incorporated into the Royal Palace. The Khmers did not draw any clear distinctions between Angkor Thom and Yashodharapura: even in the fourteenth century an inscription used the earlier name. The name of Angkor Thom—great city—was in use from the 16th century.

Faces on Parasat Bayon
The last temple known to have been constructed in Angkor Thom was Mangalartha, which was dedicated in 1295. Thereafter the existing structures continued to be modified from time to time, but any new creations were in perishable materials and have not survived. In the following centuries Angkor Thom remained the capital of a kingdom in decline until it was abandoned some time prior to 1609, when an early western visitor wrote of an uninhabited city, "as fantastic as the Alantis of Plato. It is believed to have sustained a population of 80,000–150,000 people.

Well friends!!!!.... its time for me to go back home, this is Siem Riap International Airport.  My flight is waiting for me already "Everybody Can Fly" Airasia.

Bye..... see you again in another journey of mine :-)

<------ Siem Riap airport

Angko Watt - Stunning View

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