
I when to NZ in 1992..... quite long time ago!!.... i took a lot of picture but i don't really remember where it was, any way i never forget  all of my sweet memory while i was in NZ.  I love NZ very much.  
I spent 3 weeks to explore North and South of NZ (Auckland, Tauranga, Hamilton, Rotorua,
Taupo, Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, Nelson, Greymouth, Franz Josef, Mt cook, Queenstown, Te Annu, Invercargill, Duneden and Christchurch.)  So friend's just enjoy the picture that i took during my holiday.  With all the beautiful mountain, with the amazing view of the lake and the people are so nice.  

I never thought that i'am going to New Zealand at the first place but because of my friend introduce and gave me the video about how beautiful NZ is. The moment I saw the video I fall in love and decide to go and spent my holiday.  As usual I choose to go during winter time as I came from a hot country, all though sometime its quite difficult to travel when it is very cold..  I think this is normal to every body  :-)  .

I bought my ticket from Sandakan to Kuala Lumpur and spent 1 night before my flight to Auckland.  My flight to Auckland is around 8.00 pm and the flight took about 12 hours to arrive with a transit at Brisbane for almost 40 minute.  I took Malaysia airline and it was really nice and along the way we had our meals and refreshment.  Before my trip, we had a talk with one of my friend regarding wine, so since I fly with Malaysia airline and their serve wine, I take the opportunity to try it.  So I order a red wine, so enjoy the meals but then when I start  drink the red wine, I felt like I drink a sprite and I couldn’t drink it, so what I did, I have to spelt it all over the tray and cover it with tissue and this is really embrace me. That is my story about my experience of red wine.

I arrive Auckland the next morning and it is cold and windy, it’s ok I still can stand it.  So I took a carb to my hotel, it’s a pensioner hotel.  Its nice and not far from the city, its only a walking distance.  After check-in I walk to the city and have a look around and take my lunch.  The city is not that busy, everything is just calm, relax and no traffic.  The people a nice and friendly.  While I was walking around, I saw a jewelry shop that have sale’s so I drop by and I found something that catch my eyes, 
it’s a ruby ring and the price is 50% off, so when I give a try it suttee me that means I have to buy this J my first shopping in NZ.

A bit about NZ. Polynesians settled New Zealand in 1250–1300 CE and developed a distinctive Maori culture, a Dutch explorer, was the first European to sight New Zealand in 1642 CE.

 New Zealand is an island country in the south western Pacific Ocean. The country geographically comprises two main landmasses – that of the North Island and the South Island and The South Island is the largest landmass of New Zealand.

The northern and north-eastern parts of the South Island are the sunniest areas of the country and receive approximately 2,400–2,500 hours.   The general snow season is about early June until early October in the South Island. It is less common on the North Island, although it does occur.

 Polynesians settled New Zealand in 1250–1300 CE and developed a distinctive Maori culture, a Dutch explorer, was the first European to sight New Zealand in 1642 CE.

I spent 3 weeks in North and South of  the

Magnificent destination New Zealand, travel all by my self enjoying every minute of it.  My journey start from  Auckland and ended back to Auckland.


I visit the Sheep's farm house and it was fun feeding the sheep's and riding a horse around huge farm 

Checking on the sheep's

My visit to the sheep's farm

Then i continue to a Kiwi farm, which was nice too, you can just take any kiwi that is ripe just like what i am doing hehehehe...

And this is a Apple tree, i visit the Apple farm and you can buy quite cheap apple that is really fresh from the garden.  And not to forget the apple juice too.

Going for a boat ride to see the dolphin 

Beautiful dolphin

 You can see the wild dolphin playing around just to show off.  They are friendly dolphin

Enjoy my self in the city riding a chariot. Today is my last day in Auckland, tomorrow i will be going to join a ground tour to South of NZ.

As i mention you earlier, This is our group, we will be traveling together for about 2 weeks.
 And this is the bus that will bring us from Auckland down to Wellington.

Punakaiki Pancake rocks

Nice view

Beautiful Pancake rocks


Having our dinner

enjoying the mouri dance

You can feel the hit from the volcano

hot lava and smoke coming out of a small hole volcano

Maori Dance during our dinner
Mouri dancer

On the day we arrive, we were been told that we will have our dinner in the same hotel and there will be a Maori Dance performance. I really enjoy it and i think i'am not the only one that love it, everyone in the hall love with their performances

Maori Village, two lady's are making some handcraft while waiting for their food to cook.  Maori people use to cook their food by planted into the hot ground and close it again. The heat came from the volcanic heat and the taste was amazing "delicious"..... natural cook....

 Ineradicable view of the hot spring water in Rotorua


Rotorua is famous for their hot springhere and there we could see the smoke coming out of the little holes volcano


Be careful looks nice but dont try to touch this mud if  you do not want to burn your hands

Getting ready to go by ferry to the South of NZ

On the Ferry from Wellington to Nelson 

 Mount Cook Summit  the highers mountain in NZ that is full of snow

 The beautiful view of Mount Cook, i want to go to the summit.  :-)

 So I took the helicopter and landed at the Summit of the Mount Cook.  Here i am at the Summit !!!!!!!  Yeah!!!!!!! 

Enjoying playing the snow

QUEENSTOWN  The town sits on the shore of crystal clear Lake Wakatipu among dramatic ranges.

The lake and mountain landscape make it suited to all kinds of adventure. There’s skiing in the winter and activities such as buggy jumping, sky diving, canyon swinging, jet boating, horse trekking and river rafting all year round. If hardcore adventure isn't your thing, there are plenty of mellow options available. Experience one of the many walking & hiking trails, sightseeing tours or indulge yourself  with spa treatments, boutique shopping and

Head out of Queenstown and the drama of the Central Otago landscape unfolds around you. If you’re a Lord of the Rings fan you’ll recognize many of the locations of Middle-earth here. Twenty minutes from Queenstown,  Arrowtown’s gold-mining history is alive and vibrant. Visit the Lakes District Museum or go gold panning. Forty minutes from Queenstown at the northern tip of Lake Wakatipu is rural Glenorchy and Paradise Valley. From here it’s a short drive into the Mt Aspiring National Park and the start of some of New Zealand’s great walks.  Since i'am not a hiking and walking type of person, choose Jet Boat, Sky diving and Buggy Jumping. :-)

 walking in the town is so leisure all of the people here are enjoying seating outside the cafe with their coffee and with a big smile.

Every way you go you can see people enjoy their morning and afternoon seating with their tea/coffee.

BUGGY JUMPING - The Kawarau Bridge jump brings a slice of bungy history to the table. Situated 43 metres above the pristine Kawarau River in Queenstown, the bridge is the site of AJ Hackett’s original bungy jump, which has been in operation for over two decades.

So friend's do you know that lady there ????  heeemmmm....... Since i am in Queenstown, New Zealand and this is one of the challenging thing to do here, i think i had to do it too because i never know if i will come back again to NZ and if i don't do it, then maybe i will be regard whole of my life  for not trying.

So here i go...........  standing there just to get ready to jump off and before that they ask me to wave, i am not really sure for what? maybe my last wave or waving to say see you soon when i am down !!!!

After waving  the workers start to counting up to 3 so you should jump.
1........2..........3  and i am still there standing and still thinking  wither i am going to jump or just forget it!!!! The staff cool you down and give you encourage ...... Then i just brace up my self and for the second time they shout 1......2.......3......... here i go!!!!!!!!!......... vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv!!!!!!!!
down i when............  i did it!!!!!....... i did it!!!!!!..................

JET BOAT - SHOTOVER JET -  This is my second thing that i want to do.  The Shot over jet boat tears down the Shot over River at top speed as we try your best not to scream, gripping the handrails for dear life. From the moment we experience the engine’s first powerful roar and initial spurt of incredible acceleration, our adrenalin remains at stratospheric levels. As the boat careens down the Shot over River and enters the imposing Shot over Canyon, swerve around rocky outcrops before feeling my heart leap into your mouth as the Shot over Jet launches into its signature manoeuvre, a terrifying 360 degree spin. Along the way, our friendly jet boat driver will bring to our attention fascinating sights, allowing for short pauses before resuming the thrilling ride. The Shot over Jet Queenstown has gained quite a reputation as the most exciting jet boat ride in the world. Disagree if you dare!

 And if you can see the picture, this is the U turn and during this happen it just like your heart leap out.
Waou!!!!! i really proud, admire the driving of the driver......... lucky the boat still continue moving other wise if the boat stop and you need to go down, i think i can't even stand on my feet hahahahahahah................... good experience


And last thing i want to do it Skydive - first i need to go up the hill by this Gandolo from the city then i have to climb the hill till the top.


From there i will run down till my foot dont touch the ground........oh...ohhhhh i am flying!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah!!!!! i am flying over the town of Queens town, i can see the beautiful lake, pine tree even my hotel where i stay hahahahahaah...... but at the same time i am afraid, my fear is if the rope breakI will certainly fall down like a stone.  Forget about the fall :-)  just think about the AMAZING VIEW!!!!!!!

Along the way i enjoy looking that the Grey-mouth  Beach, it was so beautiful and amazing.

This is an old town, before this place is one of the busiest town because of the Gold Main was located nearby.  Here they have jail, bar, bank and everything they need.  The building still original untouch and now this place became tourist attraction. 

Nice place, i can imagine how busy those days

And this is where the bar is, the state was been use before to perform just like in the movies.
What you think???? do i look ok ????  hahahhaha

And we have the chance to pan for gold, if you found it then that is yours.  I found a few and they give me a small bottle to put my gold.  Very nice experience.

When we arrive in Invercargill, we visit a very famous Paua Shell House.  This house is full of shell from Abalone.

Famous Paua Shell House 

Sorry i can't remember where was this place but i can remember why there is a dog statue standing behind us.  This is a story about a dog was waiting for his master to come home but his master never return because he died in another city and the dog still waiting for him at the station till he died too.  So the village people made a statue of him to remember how faithfully he to his master.

Amazing and beautiful view

Take a tea break before we start our journey again

Dunedin Town, we stay one night.  Dunedin is a small town on the North of New Zealand.

The unique stone at Otago Peninsula Dunedin.  The stone is round just like the ball and all place a long the beach.  I really amazed by it's form.

Christchurch - This is one of the street that i went for a walk they call it "Regent Street"

While you are walking around the city, you can see some people a playing Chess, this is not a small Chess, it is big one.  Everybody are free to play and the good thing about Western people, all public thing's always been taken care and no body will steal or disturb it.

Our last place is  ChristchurchChristchurch  is the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand, and the country's third-most populous urban area. It lies one third of the way down the South Island's east coast, just north of Banks Peninsula which itself, since 2006, lies within the formal limits of Christchurch.

The city was named by the Canterbury Association , which settled the surrounding province of  Canterbury. The name of Christchurch was agreed on at the first meeting of the association on 27 March 1848. It was suggested by John Robert Godley, who had attended Christ Church, Oxford. Some early writers called the town Christ Church, but it was recorded as Christchurch in the minutes of the management committee of the association.  Christchurch became a city by Royal Charter on 31 July 1856, making it officially the oldest established city in New Zealand.

 The river that flows through the centre of the city (its banks now largely forming an urban park) was named  Avon at the request of the pioneering Deans brothers to commemorate the Scottish Avon, which rises in the Ayrshire hills near what was their grandfathers' farm and flows into the Clyde.

 Amazing and romantic ride

City of Christchurch from hill top

Christchurch has plenty of unique and old church

It's time for me to say good bye, my journey ended here in Christchurch and i have to fly to Auckland and stay for one more day before going home to Sandakan. Sabah. Malaysia.

See you in my next journey..........BYE!!!!!!

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